
  • Optical Solution Partner
  • Welcome to SD Optics homepage.
    SD Optics is a global company that specializes in providing solutions in the vision inspection field.
    Our best specialties are developing and providing the ultra-fast variable focus 3D microscopes (WiseScope),
    as well as various vision inspection systems using this module.
  • Welcome to SD Optics homepage.SD Optics is a global company that specializes inproviding solutions in the vision inspection field.Our best specialties are developing and providing theultra-fast variable focus 3D microscopes (WiseScope), as well asvarious vision inspection systems using this module.
  • High-Speed
  • WiseScope provides the fastest 3D vision inspection with its ultra-fast variable focus feature.
    SD Optics is closely networking with the world-class companies to develop the essential technologies for future industrial use.
  • WiseScope provides the fastest 3D vision inspectionwith its ultra-fast variable focus featureSD Optics is closely networking with the world-class companies to develop the essential technologies for future industrial use.
  • WiseScope is designed to replace the human eyes in carrying out a series of inspection tasks.
    Wisescope ensures accurate inspection at micrometer-level precision and user-independent result.
  • WiseScope is designed to replace the human eyesin carrying out a series of inspection tasks.Wisescope ensures accurate inspection at micrometer-levelprecision and user-independent result.


SD Optics never stops challenging. With years of experience and core competency(WiseScope), we develop vision systems that overcome the limitations of the existing ones.

SD Optics never stops challenging. With years of experience and core competency(WiseScope), we develop vision systems that overcome the limitations of the existing ones.

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  • 25.03.06

     ▲ SDOptics’ semiconductor glass substrate TGV inspection solution ‘TGV VisionMaster’ inspecting a sample.   Atechnology has emerged that can fully inspect ‘Through Glass Via (TGV)’, whichis considered the most difficult process in semiconductor glass substratemanufacturing. As the introduction of glass substrates in the semiconductorindustry is promoted, solutions for commercialization are being developed oneafter another.   SDOptics announced on the 5th that it has developed ‘TGV Vision Master’, whichcan fully inspect TGVs using a 3D line scanner.   TGVs arepassages that transmit electric signals by drilling holes tens of micrometers (㎛) in size into a glass substrate and filling them with metals suchas copper. In order for TGVs to function properly, the size and spacing of theholes must be uniform. In particular, there must be no deviation in thediameters of the upper and lower holes to ensure reliability.   SDOptics has developed a technology to measure TGV holes in real time as a 3Dshape using an optical scanner positioned vertically and diagonally on a glasssubstrate. The concept is to directly measure the upper and lower surfaces andinner diameter of the hole to determine whether the TGV process was performedproperly. The company explained that it can precisely analyze the round shapeof the hole, taper angle, and upper and lower hole position deviation,immediately identify minute deviations in the process, and manage the qualityof semiconductor glass substrates through this.   ▲ SDOptics inspection image. The outer diameter, inner diameter, positionalaccuracy, and roundness of the TGV holes on a semiconductor glass substratewere measured (Photo = SD Optics)    Thistype of inspection requires an optical scanner to quickly change focus, and SDOptics utilized its patented MALS technology. With MEMS technology, the MALSlens has approximately 8,000 micro mirrors inside that control the angle oflight and focus in real time. This is the technology that SD Optics alsosupplied to the world-class optical company Carl Zeiss Germany.   Withthis technology, SD Optics’ TGV Vision Master has achieved a scanning speed of40mm per second. The inspection speed was an obstacle that prevented the fullinspection of semiconductor glass substrates, but the company has made itpossible to quickly inspect even 510mm x 515mm semiconductor glass substrates,making full inspection possible.   Thecompany also explained that it can simultaneously detect defect images such ascracks or chipping on the upper, middle, and lower surfaces of the TGV hole.Such cracks are a factor that causes semiconductor glass substrates to breakdue to heat and pressure during the post-process. Detecting such defects at theearly stage of process helps improving the manufacturing yield. A companyofficial said, “The repeat accuracy is at the level of 0.25㎛, which is higher than the 0.3㎛ required bythe industry.”   Inaddition, TGV Vision Master also provides an inspection function after cuttingthe glass substrate. The semiconductor glass substrate is cut into individualunits after the Ajinomoto Build-up Film (ABF) process, an insulating film. TGVVision Master can identify the size, thickness, substrate step, and defects ofindividual units after this singulation process.   SDOptics will supply new solutions to customers in cooperation with PhilopticsCo, Ltd., a semiconductor glass substrate processing equipment company.Philoptics plans to manufacture a turn-key inspection equipment and supply to semiconductorglass substrate manufacturers. It has secured one customer and is currentlydiscussing a contract with global semiconductor glass substrate manufacturers.   Mr.Kyoung Seok Jung, Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) of SD Optics,emphasized, “This is the first comprehensive inspection system to be applied toactual semiconductor glass substrate production lines, providing higherefficiency and precision than existing individual inspection methods,” and “Itwill contribute to improving the quality of glass substrate processes andenhancing productivity.”   Issue Date: March 6, 2025 News URL:

  • 24.12.11

    SD Optics is a leading company in the optical field, securing a solid position in the industry through continuous technological innovation and development. Leveraging MALS™ technology, the company is accelerating the development of new products to meet industry demands and has recently launched the WiseScope Vx200 optical module.  The WiseScope Vx200 optical module integrates MALS™ (Micromirror Array Lens System) technology to provide essential features for visual inspections. These include real-time EDoF (Extended Depth of Field), All In Focus 2D/3D imaging, multi-focus settings, focus-locking functions, 3D measurements, intuitive depth map information acquisition, and 3D profile generation, including cross-sectional profiles.Notably, the WiseScope Vx200 offers flexibility in changing magnifications, thanks to its compatibility with multiple objective lenses via a nosepiece. This allows users to freely switch magnifications according to inspection needs. Additionally, it can be used as an independent microscope for visual inspections when combined with specific objective lenses and can also be integrated into inspection equipment.  The features of the WiseScope Vx200 optical module include:- High-speed focus change technology utilizing MALS™ (Micromirror Array Lens System)- EDoF (Extended Depth of Field) and 3D imaging capabilities with MALS™ technology- Convenience and flexibility in selecting objective lens magnifications- Real-time 3D and depth map generation- Auto-Focus, Multi-Focus, and All-in-Focus functions- Auto-Focus and Focus-Lock functions for specific regions of interest (ROI)- Optimized lighting system application- Accurate 3D measurements with calibration programs- Capability to build independent 3D microscopes when combined with objective lenses SD Optics continues to lead as a total solution provider in the optical vision application field. The company is committed to strengthening its influence in the optical field through ongoing innovation and development.  

  • 23.03.09

    Equipment that can quickly detect defects by inspecting semiconductor and display material components in three dimensions (D) has been developed.

    SD OPTICS (SD OPTICS) has released a 3D line scanner that performs 3D inspection in real time.The scanner utilizes the "High-Speed Variable Focus Device (MALS)" technology developed independently by SD Optics and supplied to the German Zeiss electron microscope.
    It is possible to quickly inspect a subject with a height (step) and obtain a high-definition 3D image.

    Typical 3D scanners are divided into area (area) inspection and line inspection methods.
    When looking closely at narrow areas, area inspection is performed, and line inspection is performed for inspection of semiconductor chips and display panels.Line inspection is a method of moving the inspection line to scan the entire object, similar to a copier moving a light line and scanning it.

    Line inspection is easy to obtain a 2D (2D) image, but 3D image acquisition has high technical difficulty. 
    This is because the focus of the scanner camera lens needs to be readjusted due to different subject heights.Whenever the inspection line moves, the focus must be renewed.There are 3D line scanners that can be scanned with some automatic focus, but it takes a long time and the image is not clear because an actuator or motor is used to move the lens.Even this depends on foreign products.

    SD Optics solved this problem with a high-speed variable focus element.
    An element is a kind of digital lens. It is made of micro-precision mechanical technology (MEMS) and is smaller than 1cm, but contains 8,000 ultra-fine mirrors inside. It moves ultra-fine mirrors through voltage and controls the angle of light to focus in real time.It is similar to focusing the lens of the human eye with a different shape.SD Optics is the only company that has secured this technology.

    Using a high-speed variable focus element, it is possible to automatically focus according to the height of the subject when the inspection line of the 3D line scanner moves.It obtains 3D images in real time according to the speed of movement of the inspection line.By utilizing 3D inspection software developed by SD Optics, various data such as subject height can also be quantified.

    SD Optics is set to supply 3D line scanners. Currently, it is discussing with customers to apply it to semiconductor, display, and PCB inspection lines.

    Seo Chung-soo the CEO of SD Optics said, "The speed of inspecting semiconductor wafers and display panels is so fast that not only samples but also full inspection is possible," adding, "We plan to diversify our product portfolio using high-speed variable focus devices such as 3D line scanners."

    It is possible to quickly inspect a subject with a height and obtain a high-definition 3D image.Researchers are inspecting parts with 3D line scanners at SDIoptics in Hwaseong, Gyeonggi Province, on the 23rd.Hwaseong = Reporter Park Ji-ho>
    Issued Date: 2023.02.26
     News URL: Hompage URL: www.wisetopo.comSD Optics Youtube URL:




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